Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We want to have a little fun and raise money for a great cause- camperships for kids who can't afford camp! For every $100.00 donated to our tax deductible campership fund we will put your name in a hat. At the end of two weeks, we will draw a name out and the winner gets a two week session at Coppercreek for free! Runner-up gets one week of camp for free. And the third prize (maybe the best prize of all) is a camp t-shirt! So donate now for a chance to win camp for your child, your grandchild, or your neighbor's child...and make summer camp a reality for another child out there. We will announce the winner on Facebook and the Alumni Blog on Monday night, March 9th.

For those of you still having trouble finding me on Facebook, I have added my maiden name. Search for "Lauren Lindskog Allen" and I should pop up. I guess there were a lot of "Lauren Allen's"!

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