Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We want to have a little fun and raise money for a great cause- camperships for kids who can't afford camp! For every $100.00 donated to our tax deductible campership fund we will put your name in a hat. At the end of two weeks, we will draw a name out and the winner gets a two week session at Coppercreek for free! Runner-up gets one week of camp for free. And the third prize (maybe the best prize of all) is a camp t-shirt! So donate now for a chance to win camp for your child, your grandchild, or your neighbor's child...and make summer camp a reality for another child out there. We will announce the winner on Facebook and the Alumni Blog on Monday night, March 9th.

For those of you still having trouble finding me on Facebook, I have added my maiden name. Search for "Lauren Lindskog Allen" and I should pop up. I guess there were a lot of "Lauren Allen's"!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More vintage photos on Facebook and other tidbits

Jeff Weit just uploaded some great photos from the 70's to his Facebook page. He has group pictures from 1975 and 1976 as well as others. Neil Rector now has a box of negatives he is scanning and putting on disks for us. He is a saint! I am trying to label all the photos people keep tagging on Facebook to help with completing missing historical data. Please keep spreading the word to any CCC people you know.

Emily Elders Balestrini, Greta Foraker Dedmon, Marc Friedman, Joel Hoffman and Peter Conheim all got together recently for a little alumni social time in the Bay Area. I believe all these alumni came to Coppercreek in the early to mid 80's.

I have to add Emily just had a showing of her linoleum cut blocks as part of The Uptown Art Walk in Sacramento this last weekend. Very cool.

Sarah Bjerklie visited me (Lornie) at a camp fair in Los Angeles, February 8th. She was, as usual, beautiful, fun, funny and helpful!

We will be in Mill Valley March 1st, Roseville March 22nd and Phoenix March 28th and 29th for Home Gatherings. Alumni are always invited! We will send out invitations to those on the alumni database but if you are not signed up yet and want to attend, just let me know. I would love to see you!

Now...back to shoveling...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Coppercreek Home Gatherings

Sunday marks the beginning of our Coppercreek Home Gatherings complete with slideshow, swag, and us! Some of you may remember Papa John coming to your home years ago doing the same thing. We have taken up the torch and are on our way. February 8th, this Sunday, is Los Angeles; then we have; Sacramento and Reno the end of February; Mill Valley first week of March; Las Vegas March 7th; other Bay Area locations in middle March and Phoenix, Arizona on March 28th and 29th. We love to include alumni but not all of you are signed up on our database so sending out invitations becomes a bit difficult. Get on there and register! If you would like to host a gathering, just let us know and we will come.

P.S. Welcome Mary Wilbourn to the alumni group!

P.S.S. If you would like to come, please email me and let me know. I would love to see you.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Welcome Eric Chaffey and Oleg Mitev! Eric was a camper in the early 1980's. Oleg and his wife, Tatiana came in the early 1990's from Belarus. Oleg was our maintenance man while "Tati" was Sutter's nanny!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Coppercreek Memorial Fund

We want to thank those who have donated to our campership fund!

The Blochers
The Goldberg/King Family
The Horner Family
Tom Sawyer Camps
The Root Family
The Stenovec Family
The Sigal Family

And using our brand new on-line Paypal link are:
Amy Murray
Marcy Kalogiannis Dixon

For more information on our charitable fund, please follow this link:

We are so thankful for all the alumni on Facebook and this blog, who are sharing great photos and wonderful thoughts about their time at Coppercreek. You inspire us to keep on camping!