Saturday, January 23, 2010

Storm- Part 1

Thank goodness there are men on Earth during these days.

Oooooppppsssss! Where is that man?

Free! Cancel the man.

Patience and Chloe heard the Breakfast bell ring.

Remember this face from the last blog?

Well, here is another. Do you think Zip dared Peli to touch the fence with his tongue?

You decide.


Isn't this why we have children?

"Come on Cranky Hanky. Even with strawberries on top?"

I think it is time for MY breakfast!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rainy day at the barn

This is what greets me every time I feed. Regardless of the weather.

This is what horses do when they don't have t.v.

These guys kept it up for about 30 minutes.

Housekeeping? Room service? Cool.

These are my compost piles. I am very proud of my compost piles.

This is my "hot" pile.

 Self Portrait.
The hat was given to me by Karly and Zach Lusby. Really awesome people. Karly came to camp in the 1970's and now Zach comes. It has become my favorite hat. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Worming day at the barn

Today was worming day at the barn. Anyone who has horses knows this is a particularly yucky day. You definitely don't want to wear any new Christmas clothes or try to look cute. Lucky thought he was interested...

Until I did this to him. He quickly beat it. Notice how much wormer is on the front of my jacket.

Next was the cagey mustang, Billy. The only way to catch Billy is to send in Linda to get him. Linda is our barn lady who never does anything mean to Billy like worm him or vaccinate him. Linda has to catch him for our farrier too.

Billy is wondering why I have an apron on with tubes in it. He quickly found out. Poor guy.

Do mustangs get worms in the wild?