Saturday, January 31, 2009


I think I fixed the problem with not being able to leave comments. Give it a shot now and let me know you posted a comment and it didn't show up.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I went into the post office yesterday and a nice gentleman asked me if I was a "Lindskog". I kind of laughed and wondered if I really look that much like my Dad. Seeing my little look of surprise, he pointed at my truck with the Coppercreek Camp signs on it and said, "I was in a cabin with Mike Lindskog when we were about 10 years old. We sure did have some adventures in that cabin." Okay folks, that would have been almost 30 years ago. The gentleman's name is Kevin Williams. Ring a bell to anyone? If you are reading this Kevin, thanks for introducing yourself...again!

Welcome Dave Kern and Peter Hanna to the alumni blog!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Alumni Database

I can hardly keep up with the alumni showing up on Facebook and signing in on our database. Right now, Paul Bansen, Amy Murry and Mia (Volpato) Boon hold the record for the longest time at Coppercreek. All three are at 12 years. Paul did all his as a camper. Mia did 11 as a camper and 1 as a counselor and Amy (she has a blog too) spent all 12 as staff beginning as the youngest girls counselor and ending up as the CIT Director and Dean of Campers. Jenny Calvert-Warren came in at 10 years as a camper.

We have quite a few making the 9 year mark; Emily Elders, Alex Grant, Elliot Guber, Hannah and Andy Lord, Kristi (Mulligan) Moreno, Katie Isenberg, and Adelaide Baber. Many people have signed up but haven't listed their history. Ya just gotta do it!

The best part is the years we have represented. David Cann 1967, Scott Cook 1968, Sarah Margolis 1974, Lisa (Engel) Belhage 1976, Kristi (Mulligan) Moreno 1978, Carolyn (Kinsel) Sarantopulos 1978, and Dave Spriggs...??? The dates are the last year they attended.

I recently posted pictures on Facebook of Emily Elders, Sam Grosby, Matt Evarts, Laura Platt, Jeff Weit, Meher Best, Alik Mery-Sanson and others. Those who came to either memorial have witnessed the BOXES of photos we have accumulated over the 43 years of operation. Neil Rector has offered to begin the scanning process and (he doesn't know it yet) I am going to take him up on it!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Maintenance Men of Coppercreek with the infamous red jeep!

Taken at Lynne's Memorial- May 2004

From the left: Bob Sleppy, Mike Craghead, Jeff Ochs, John Cabot, Craig Hogland, Scott Williams, Matt Evarts.

It has quickly become apparent to me with all of the alumni checking in and sharing information, a Coppercreek Alumni blog is necessary. I have greatly enjoyed hearing from people from the decades past and catching up with their lives. I believe I am now the only person left that spans all the generations of camp. Oh, don't worry! Mike Lindskog is still alive and well, flying jets out of Houston but he hasn't worked at camp in many years now. Matt Evarts is a firefighter/ paramedic in Salinas and still spends quite a bit of time up at camp visiting but he also hasn't worked at camp for the last 10 years or so. So, that leaves me. I am feeling a little dated these days though when campers who were under my care as a counselor are now having children. Yikes! I plan on sharing information here from people who attended Coppercreek as campers, staff and family campers. I will also start to pull out the old photos from the 1960's, 70's, 80's, 90's and the 2000's, scan them and begin to post them. I am looking forward to that task!

If you haven't already done so, please sign up on the alumni page of the website so we can keep track of you, send you newsletters and generally annoy you with correspondence! We have lots of people to track down, so spread the word. For those of you on Facebook, there is quite a Coppercreek presence there. Either research my name or Coppercreek. There are two Coppercreek groups and then lots of us just floating around giving each other grief.